Category: TV Junk
Skeiser University
Come to Skeiser University, with our career oriented learning, and train to become unemployed in a new career!
You might be suffering from MLS
I started having trouble doing simple things. Going up stairs. Riding a bicycle. Pushing the shopping cart at the supermarket. I exercise regularly and try to eat healthy, but this just wasn’t me. I made an appointment to see my doctor, and you can imagine how surprised I was when he told me I was…
You may be entitled to a cash settlement!
Have you or a loved one ever had a co-worker drop a pen or pencil near your desk at your workplace? If so, you may be entitled to a cash settlement. You might not even be aware of the workplace related emotional trauma from such an event. You could be suffering the effects and not…
Modern TV Violence
Every day on TV we’re exposed to violence. An almost a constant flow of images and references to horrible afflictions, but these are not in the shows or programming. I’m referring to commercials and the side effects of medications… Possibility of stroke, heart attack, risk of infection, reduced immunity, dizziness while rising or walking, difficulty…